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The Kettle Watershed Needs a Rest

What happens when forests are overlogged? Does the BC government know? Does Interfor know? What are the limits to an ecosystem’s ability to recover from 100 years of logging?

What are the cumulative effects of logging a watershed for over 100 years?

Why have there been floods in Grand Forks for the last 3 out of 4 years?

Why is the wildlife disappearing from the Boundary region?

How has long-term extensive logging affected the biodiversity of the ecosystem? The management of water? The management of climate?

Until the BC government can answer all of the above questions, the logging of the Kettle-Boundary watershed must be paused, slowed down, limited.

This animated graphic of the logging of the Kettle-Boundary watershed vividly demonstrates the immediate need to question the long term damaging effects of logging almost the entire watershed over a period of 55 years.

To view the animation either click on the words below or click on the image below:

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