This report points out what is wrong in the Boundary forests, how the current forestry system is negatively impacting our watershed and the people living in it, and proposes a brighter future for both.
The long-term solution we are proposing is a shift to the new paradigm of true sustainability: Nature-Based Forestry that is managed by Community Forest Boards.
We also present Recommended Actions that the BC government can implement immediately under the current system to make forestry practices more ecologically, economically, and socially responsible.
There are two parts to the report: the main report (describes problems and solutions) and the Field Report (site specific observations, photos, and analysis).
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (5 PAGES) PDF: Brighter Future for Boundary Forests: The Case for Nature-Based Forestry Supported by a Community Forest Board
FULL REPORT (172 PAGES) PDF: Brighter Future for Boundary Forests: The Case for Nature-Based Forestry Supported by a Community Forest Board
FIELD REPORT (53 PAGES) PDF: Boundary Forests and Watersheds 2020